Today, my colleague asked me how he can get an IPublishedContent item from a Udi in Umbraco.
This comes up a lot and it would be great to have an answer that I can go to every time rather than searching my different projects each time for how I did it.
So this post is for my colleague and future me. Also for anyone else who finds it.
First we need to get the Udi as a string:
var uriString = content.Value<string>("author");
Now we have the string value, we need to use it to create a Udi object.
//make sure we have our using statement at the top
using Umbraco.Cms.Core
//create the Udi
var udi = Udi.Create(new Uri(uriString));
Now we have it as a Udi object, we can then use that to get the IPublishedContent item from Umbraco, but it could be a media item or a content item, or even a member, who knows?
//add our using statement for the UdiEntityType usage
using static Umbraco.Cms.Core.Constants;
IPublishedContent contentItem = null;
//In this case, Umbraco is the UmbracoHelper and it is in a View.
case UdiEntityType.Document:
contentItem = Umbraco.Content(udi);
case UdiEntityType.Media:
contentItem = Umbraco.Media(udi);
//you could handle other entity types below
Here is all the code together:
string uriString = Model.Value<string>("author");
Udi udi = Udi.Create(new Uri(uriString));
IPublishedContent contentItem = null;
case UdiEntityType.Document:
contentItem = Umbraco.Content(udi);
case UdiEntityType.Media:
contentItem = Umbraco.Media(udi);
//you could handle other entity types below