dotnet new umbraco

Posted written by Paul Seal on June 07, 2024 C# Modern .NET Umbraco

Last year I gave a talk at Umbraco Spark, titled dotnet new umbraco, (I know I was pleased with the title too).

Anyway in that talk I shared lots of commands that you can use when working with Modern Umbraco in the .NET (Core) world.

You can watch a video recording of the slides here:

dotnet new umbraco

But if you just want the list of commands, you can get them here:

# Basics

## show contents of current directory



## navigate to a folder in the current directory

cd demo

## navigate to a folder starting with umb

cd umb*

## create a new directory

mkdir test

## remove the directory

rm .\UmbracoSpark\

## Open a folder in vscode

code .

## Dotnet CLI

dotnet --info

## Build

dotnet build

## Run

dotnet run

## Open in Code

code .

## Open in Explorer

explorer .

## Run

dotnet run

## Run with Hot Reload

dotnet watch run

# Nuget Sources

## List

dotnet nuget list source

## Add 

dotnet nuget add source -n test "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\2"

## Disable 

dotnet nuget disable source

## Enable 

dotnet nuget enable source

## Installing Umbraco

# Ensure we have the correct version of Umbraco templates

dotnet new install Umbraco.Templates

## Umbraco Template 

# Install Umbraco

dotnet new umbraco --force -n "UmbracoSpark"

## Unattended install 

dotnet new umbraco --force -n "UmbracoSpark" --friendly-name "Administrator" --email "[email protected]" --password "1234567890" --development-database-type SQLite

dotnet new umbraco --force -n "UmbracoSpark" --friendly-name "Administrator" --email "[email protected]" --password "1234567890" --development-database-type SQLite
dotnet sln add "MyProject"

## adding packages

#Add starter kit
dotnet add "MyProject" package clean

dotnet run --project "MyProject"


## Editor Config

dotnet new editorconfig

## Add this line

csharp_style_namespace_declarations = file_scoped:warning

## Format

dotnet format

## Restore

dotnet restore

## uSync CLI

### Install uSync.Commands

dotnet tool install uSync.Cli -g

dotnet add package uSync

dotnet add package uSync.Commands

### Generate a key for the commands

uSync key-gen

### Add this to the appSettings.json file

  "uSync": {
    "Commands": {
      "Enabled": "hmac",
      "key": "NOPkZIiX/BGnSiR41Fy4ZfqIfhMhWUbGXSMt4Si/ez4="

### Reload Memory Cache

uSync run reload-memcache -p index=ExternalIndex -s https://localhost:44341/umbraco -k NOPkZIiX/BGnSiR41Fy4ZfqIfhMhWUbGXSMt4Si/ez4=

### Rebuild Index

usync run Rebuild-Index -p index=ExternalIndex -s https://localhost:44341/umbraco -k NOPkZIiX/BGnSiR41Fy4ZfqIfhMhWUbGXSMt4Si/ez4=

### Rebuild DB Cache

usync run Rebuild-DBCache -s https://localhost:44341/umbraco -k NOPkZIiX/BGnSiR41Fy4ZfqIfhMhWUbGXSMt4Si/ez4=

## Create Umbraco Package

dotnet new umbracopackage -n MyPackageName

## Create test site for the package 

dotnet new umbraco --force -n "MyPackageName.Site" --friendly-name "Administrator" --email "[email protected]" --password "1234567890" --development-database-type SQLite -p "MyPackageName"